In my 21 years of life I have gone through it with 2 people by my side. The endless amount of questions I have gotten asked get repetitive but I am used to it by now. I will write a separate post on the frequently asked questions I get.

Our adventure together started on January 15, 1998, born 8 weeks early at Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. It is hard to believe we were so small and all the complications that can arise when babies are born prematurely but we were healthy. We were the first multiples to be put in a two baby incubator at Jefferson Hospital, which helped us regulate body temperature and gain weight resulting in us going home faster. This fact earned us a segment on the morning news, Good Morning America, in the midst of the Clinton Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Being a triplet has shaped me in many ways that will carry on my whole life. Having two others that share a birthday, life experiences and growing up together is undescribable. It is the comfort of knowing I will always have two brothers to protect me and someone to turn to. Having gone through elementary school to highschool and now even to college together is something special. It is comforting to know my brothers are a phone call away if I need someone to eat lunch with, study together with in the library and travel with back home. People always ask if we planned to go to the same college and we just all ended up picking where we were comfortable most, which was Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia, PA. Going to the same college made it easier for my parents when we had to move into our dorms and they only have to attend one graduation. Not all triplets and multiples decide to go to the same school. We have been able to be our own person and grow individually at college.

People assume that we are the same and at times lump us together but we are each our own person with our own personality, interests, strengths and weaknesses. This misconception is also a blessing because having been in a group my whole life makes it easier to transfer my group skills to projects and working with others. The positive life lessons and experiences outweigh the negative ones people sometimes associate with being a multiple that it is a lot of money and work to raise 3 babies at the same time. Each stage of raising multiples is a new challenge and it does get easier as time goes on.
I can't imagine my life without my brothers and I wouldn't change it for a thing.
